The joy of growing skills


  • Build a change platform

    Recently McKinsey published its in McKinsey insight an interesting article which title was "Build a change platform, not a change program".  You will find the articl link here or on our campus. MECETT is a perfect tool to develop those platforms enabling change.   Let us explain you how!

  • The method ECETT finalist of the PEER AWARDS

    After the silver medal 2013 for training and people development of the magazine Training Journal, the method ECETT (MECETT) is now nominated as finalist of the prestigious "PEER awards" 2014 of the newspaper "The Independant" in the category "people development".  read more.

    Read more ...  


  • Training on the method

    To be informed of the dates of training on the method please send us a mail.



The Method ECETT receives a Silver Award from UK magazine TJ

Court-Saint-Etienne, 28 November: The British magazine TRAINING JOURNAL (TJ) (     awarded a silver medal 2013 to the method ECETT.

The award was presented Wednesday November 27th in London to Mrs Frances Gray,  Head of Learning & Development at Phoenix Futures, an organisation member of ECETT Networks NGO based in Nivelles (Belgium), the organisation promoting the Method to the not for profit organisations of the human sector.

In their deliberation, judges have raised in particular the following point :

“This application came alive during the panel interview.   A really good business case was made about the positive impact of ideas brought back from the trips.  FLAMES was an outstanding example of providing support for the families and loved ones of the service users.  The judges were impressed by the way the ripple effect of the ideas has really impacted staff and service users.”

Established in 2006, the purpose of the Training Journal Awards is to promote excellence, best practice and innovation in Training and Learning & Development, and to highlight the importance of this area in today's business climate. This demanding area of business is arguably the critical success factor for future growth and competitiveness for many organisations. For this reason it is absolutely right for the Learning & Development profession to have a cross industry national event to recognise, promote and honour excellence, professionalism and outstanding achievement.

The TJ Awards are now recognised as the premier Training and L&D event for the UK. The range of Award categories is designed to recognise the most important activities within Training and Learning & Development. Every category is open to entries from companies across the whole spectrum of industry, commerce and the public sector, and from organisations of all sizes.

Phoenix Futures, a charity registered in England, brings positive change in the lives of individuals, families and communities affected by substance misuse. They reduce the impact of drug and alcohol related harm and enable our service users to rebuild their lives.  The purpose is achieved through the skills and dedication of their staff. For more information see